Caring For Your Artwork
When you purchase a pencil drawing from me, there are a few recommendations that I’d like to make you aware of to preserve your artwork for as long as possible.
Firstly, as with all my drawings, whether using Graphite, Charcoal, or a mixture of both, I use a fixative on the finished piece. A Fixative protects the surface of the medium used from smudging and protects against dust. However, even with a strong fixative, like Windsor & Newton, sprayed in 3 layers at varying angles, one cannot guarantee that smudging won’t occur without the proper handling.
The principal factors that impact on the condition of drawings are:
· how they are handled.
· the environment in which they are kept: the light, temperature, and relevant humidity.
· how they are mounted and/or framed.
Attention to these factors can greatly increase the life of a drawing in good condition.
When handling or unwrapping your artwork, be mindful of where you place your hands and try to keep them from touching the surface of the artwork. Handling incorrectly can lead to scuffs and smudges on any drawings made in unfixed media such as graphite or charcoal. Fingers can also damage drawings by depositing oil on them. Therefore, drawings should be touched as little as possible. Try to hold them either by their mounts, if they have one, or by the edges of the paper, if they don’t. Some artists even recommend the wearing of cotton gloves but beware as they can make you clumsier. Framing as soon as possible is highly recommended and is a good option for drawings prone to smudging.
Light speeds up chemical reactions, possibly causing Graphite and Charcoal to fade over time. Even though I have used high quality paper for your artwork, which is archival, I recommend you don’t place your framed artwork in direct sunlight. UV light is the most damaging, but all wavelengths and any light can cause damage. In fact, all light is damaging, and the damage is cumulative and irreversible. This means that ideally drawings should be stored in the dark, but this is not practical if the drawing is to be enjoyed day to day at home. Where you put a drawing can however make a big difference. Do avoid light from the south. It is also worth using ultraviolet filtering glass for framing which cuts out the most actively damaging light.
Heat increases the speed of the chemical reactions that cause deterioration in paper. Heat can cause paper to expand and contract giving rise to cockling and the possibility of the media flaking. It is probably best to aim to keep the temperature stable with the relative humidity no higher than 60%. Try not to hang drawings on exterior walls and not near radiators or spotlights which dry out the air. The most important thing to remember is that drawings do not like sudden changes to their environment. If they are cockled, flaking or show signs of pest damage or foxing then it is wise to seek my advice.
Mounting and Framing
The quality of a mount or frame is one of the most effective methods with which a private person can ensure the welfare of his or her drawings. Until recently drawings were often mounted on board made from wood pulp. Such mount board can turn even good quality paper brown and brittle. Currently the best mount board available is Museum Board made of 100% cotton fibre. Conservation Board made of chemically purified wood pulp is also acceptable.
Likewise framing can cause problems if the back of the drawing is in contact with a wood or wood pulp backing board. It is also important that there is space between the front of the drawing and the glass so that the edges of the drawing are protected from the frame and the drawing can expand and contract without the medium rubbing against the glass. Again, it is important to keep an old frame if it is historically connected with the drawing. If necessary, existing frames can be given additional depth and buffering material can be interleaved between the frame and the drawing to provide protection.
If in any doubt about how best to frame your artwork, please feel free to contact me or approach a framing service who should be able to advise you appropriately.